Chapter 2: Remote Working

Copy file to /tmp

face Josiah Wang Tom Crossland

Let’s create the file ~/modules/shell/USERNAME.txt (replacing USERNAME with your own username, naturally).

Make sure that this file has the permissions -rw-r--r-- (i.e. only you can write to it, but everyone can read it).

Now we want to copy this file to the /tmp directory on your machine.

But what is /tmp? It is the “temporary directory”, where programs and users can store files which are only needed temporarily.

Never store valuable or sensitive data in /tmp! It could be deleted without warning.

So how do we copy files? We use the cp command from the first session (see Section 3.2 for more details):

username@MACHINE:~$ cp path/to/original.txt path/to/destination.txt

Here we have copied one file, located at path/to/original.txt, to a new location, path/to/destination.txt.

cp can only be used to copy files within the machine you’re currently working on. We’ll see how to copy files between machines soon!

Exercise 2

  1. Create the file ~/modules/shell/USERNAME.txt (using your own username). Edit the file to add a message for your neighbour.
  2. Copy the file to the /tmp directory on your computer.
  3. Use ls to check that the file has been successfully copied.